Thursday, 6 March 2008


I get offended very easily. For the past few weeks, I have been noticing something in class. I am sure this existed last semester too. But it is bothering me more this semester.

Blatant mockery of professors in class seems the norm. Sure, it is done in good humour or so they say. It is still wrong in my books.

Many questions come to mind. Respect ? The lack of it ? What you can say vs. What you should say ? Misjudging liberty ?

People in class are becoming increasingly unnecessary and unpleasant. What is worse is a group of fascinated followers egging along the supposed ring leaders in their mission to strip the institution and its professors of its deserved respect.

These kids start frantically calculating the fees/hour for each class and mope about how they are wasting their money, how they are going to go ahead and get themselves a 'real masters' post this. Little do they realise, given their attitude towards learning and professors, chances are they will never really get that 'real masters'.

I am amused at the juvenile behaviour of the 'clique'. Problem is, they want to be spoon fed. Problem is they think brand strategies can be formulated using an easy five step guide. Problem is their pea-brains incapacitate them from deriving learnings out of case studies. Problem is they will be none the wiser post this masters. Problem is that their assumptions and expectations are not only vague but also entirely incorrect. Problem is they know this too.

I wish everyone luck in the future.

I pray our paths never cross.

Lest ye wished to bear the wrath of an opinionated girl scorned.

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