I have never thought of exercising as "fun" and I am wary of individuals who list "gymming/working out" as their hobby or favourite pass-time (just because....no, but I have my reasons, which I will explain, someday).
However, ever since I have decided to get healthier and fitter (read: lose weight for the wedding), I must admit that spending an hour in the gym right after work does make me feel rather buoyant.
Given my excellent track record of never pursuing a single thing due to my attention span of a corn cob, I am rather stoked by this change I am seeing in myself. I have been going to the gym diligently since February 2010 and still no signs of giving up. Now I could ascribe this to the forthcoming wedding but that would be too vain for my liking and hence untrue.
Like any good student of Stastics would inform you, one must begin with a hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis and then proceed to prove or disprove either or. So here goes (although, I must warn you, I really wasn't all that good at Statistics):
Hypothesis 1 - Going to the gym is fun. Very.
Hypothesis 2 - Going to the gym is fun. Not.
Hypothesis 1 - For:
1. It is the right thing to do.
2. It ensures a healthier life.
3. It makes you more active.
4. It takes off a few grams before the wedding.
Hypotheses 1 - Against:
1. All right things to do are not always fun things to do. All fun things to do are rarely the right things to do.
2. Healthier is relative.
3. Activity is over rated. A state of inactivity can be highly gratifying.
4. The wedding puts those few grams and then some kilos right back to new body-parts you were yet to discover.
Hypothesis 2 - For:
1. If it were fun I would not need a motivator (the wedding, and the mother's voice ringing in my ears "dekh, biye ta to ekbar i korbi, hopefully, chobi gulo kintu sharajibon dekhte hobe.") to do it. I have done far less funner things out of my own free will to know that.
2. It takes away from my book reading time.
3. It takes away from my chips eating time.
4. It takes away from my movie watching time.
5. It forces me to look at oddly shaped women butt-naked in the locker room.
6. It makes me ache.
And I really could go on and on, but then it would seem like I started the experiment with a bias, thereby hampering the outcome. So I shall move on.
Hypothesis 2 - Against:
1. Excellent release for pent up work-day-frustration.
2. Possibility of looking an inch thinner at the wedding.
Therefore, using the data as listed, minus any bias, I have succeed at being unsuccessful at determining WHY HAVE I NOT STOPPED GOING TO THE GYM YET ?!?!?!
Without taxing my over-worked (I burnt 600 calories today) self any further, I give you a convenient answer to my capital lettered-million dollar question -
Hence proved. (Not)