Saturday, 26 June 2010

In Which I Turn Into an Unappreciated Cook (?!?!?!WhoKnew?!?!?!?!)....

So...Every (almost) weekend, I find myself awake at an ungodly hour in a "what new cool thing can I make for breakfast?" tizzy ! Cooking, it seems is my latest passion and I am going to enjoy this phase till it lasts !

Today I made Orange Muffins (SO yummy) and we had muffins and chai for breakfast.

 Last weekend was Applesauce French Toast with fresh strawberries.

And before that, there was  Banana Cinnamon Pancakes with maple syrup !

 And yet, the boy tells me, and I quote, "I love you, just a little bit, not a lot". Hmm. 

Monday, 14 June 2010

Didn't See That Coming, Didjyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa ?!

So the other day, while reading a random blog, I discovered that the name 'Rahul' means 'obstacle'. Lord Buddha apparently referred to his son as a Rahul when his wife tried to use the excuse of his son to keep him from wandering off into the jungle to attain nirvana.

Of course, I could not contain my joy and without batting an eyelid informed the boy how he is so aptly named. Of course, the boy refusing to be slighted, immediately googled (damn you google!) and rattled off other meanings which were more to his liking like - conquerer of all miseries, moon, able, efficient, traveler. Blah. 

Upon seeing how this was not stopping my cackling about him being THE OBSTACLE, he went for the sudden-death move. 

He googled 'Priyanka' and oh, what might he find and then decide to be the meaning of the name ? 'The great one's wife' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After this there really was no point to anything anymore. He wouldn't stop laughing. 

So I just did what the more mature person in any relationship always does. I went and buried my face in the pillow and pretended to sleep. Blah. 

Friday, 11 June 2010

Rush of endorphin to the head

I have never thought of exercising as "fun" and I am wary of individuals who list "gymming/working out" as their hobby or favourite pass-time (just, but I have my reasons, which I will explain, someday).

However, ever since I have decided to get healthier and fitter (read: lose weight for the wedding), I must admit that spending an hour in the gym right after work does make me feel rather buoyant.

Given my excellent track record of never pursuing a single thing due to my attention span of a corn cob, I am rather stoked by this change I am seeing in myself. I have been going to the gym diligently since February 2010 and still no signs of giving up. Now I could ascribe this to the forthcoming wedding but that would be too vain for my liking and hence untrue.

Like any good student of Stastics would inform you, one must begin with a hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis and then proceed to prove or disprove either or. So here goes (although, I must warn you, I really wasn't all that good at Statistics):

Hypothesis 1 - Going to the gym is fun. Very.
Hypothesis 2 - Going to the gym is fun. Not.

Hypothesis 1 - For:
1. It is the right thing to do.
2. It ensures a healthier life.
3. It makes you more active.
4. It takes off a few grams before the wedding.

Hypotheses 1 - Against:
1. All right things to do are not always fun things to do. All fun things to do are rarely the right things to do.
2. Healthier is relative.
3. Activity is over rated. A state of inactivity can be highly gratifying.
4. The wedding puts those few grams and then some kilos right back to new body-parts you were yet to discover.

Hypothesis 2 - For:
1. If it were fun I would not need a motivator (the wedding, and the mother's voice ringing in my ears "dekh, biye ta to ekbar i korbi, hopefully, chobi gulo kintu sharajibon dekhte hobe.") to do it. I have done far less funner things out of my own free will to know that.
2. It takes away from my book reading time.
3. It takes away from my chips eating time.
4. It takes away from my movie watching time.
5. It forces me to look at oddly shaped women butt-naked in the locker room.
6. It makes me ache.
And I really could go on and on, but then it would seem like I started the experiment with a bias, thereby hampering the outcome. So I shall move on.

Hypothesis 2 - Against:
1. Excellent release for pent up work-day-frustration.
2. Possibility of looking an inch thinner at the wedding.

Therefore, using the data as listed, minus any bias, I have succeed at being unsuccessful at determining WHY HAVE I NOT STOPPED GOING TO THE GYM YET ?!?!?!

Without taxing my over-worked (I burnt 600 calories today) self any further, I give you a convenient answer to my capital lettered-million dollar question - Endorphins.

Hence proved. (Not)

Thursday, 10 June 2010

World Cup 2010

T - 10 hours to a month full of bliss, excitement, anxiety, crying out loud, cheering out louder, hissing, scratching, kissing, glory !

The boy and I are all set with our top three picks and a REALLY funky excel sheet (Which we downloaded, as we are too lazy to make one ourselves, plus this one is just TOO awesome for words complete with formulas and everything. Of course, I changed the colours and font to make it our own. Ok fine, I am a Virgo.)

So the boy has: Brazil, Spain and Netherlands.

I have: Italy, Argentina and Germany.

Clearly, I shall emerge victorious and attain eternal glory.

Have a great World Cup y'all !

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Heartbreak Warfare

I had created this blog with high expectations. It was to be my very own memoir of my time spent in a new country.

It has been three years since I have been here and only sixty-six posts written. Neither of which individually or collectively, accurately describe my journey thus far.

I genuinely believed words flowed out of my pencil/fingers onto paper/screen seamlessly on demand. And believe me, it did, back in the days.

Over the years, it has gotten tougher though. The reasons for which, I figure are:
1. Laziness
2. Lack of time
3. Utter disconnect between moment of thought and moment of capturing the thought
4. Fear of being judged

So, lazyness is entirely beyond my realm of control contrary to popular belief. It strikes without warning, stays as long as a pesky guest would depending on his whims and departs only to leave me bubbling over with pent up energy sufficient to propel myself through the windshield. Hence, this is clearly not the time to be static before a laptop, lest I desire to propel myself through the monitor which is all of 13 inches therefore causing a whole new conundrum, which I am not going to go into right now, because of the aforementioned laziness, which interestingly has not stopped me from writing this long-winded sentence, which of course now I am continuing on with just to see how much longer I can make it, without being entirely meaningless, but seems like I am a genius and hence I shall voluntarily quit while I am head. (Phew)

Lack of time, again is not in my control. I am now employed, which means I have sold my soul for a few hundred dollars and am no longer the master of my ship and owner of my unconquerable soul and such like. So there. I shall only have the time to indulge in such fancy spoils like writing when my boss allows me to.

As for point three, yes, yet again, out of my control. I cannot help it if I have my AHA moments while on a loooooooooooooooooooooong drive or right at the beginning of a looooooooooooooooooooong bath or just when the sandman begins tying his shoelaces. I do not have the will or drive to retain the essence of the thought until I lay my hands on the next typing/uploading device. Also, I am of the opinion that during my lifetime I shall come up with several AHA things and hence since the stock is bountiful, there is no fear of lack of representation.

Point four is a very deep-seated, personal confession. I didn't think I would care, but turns out it does matter. And in an effort to appear "cool" I do not want to turn myself into someone else. Hence, I stopped writing for this judgmental world (I like melodrama).

But now, since this has turned into such a graveyard blog, I doubt anyone remembers it or let alone bothers to read it. Ideal situation for me to run all around the blogosphere and frolic without a care in the world again.

So, I guess what I am trying to say is, I think I want to give this blog one more chance to fulfill it's purpose.

World, hold on, or not, I am back. Kinda. Sorta. Bleh ~

P.S - Title has nothing to do with anything. Just the song on the radio while I was typing this.