Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Olympics , London 2012

Not sure what was the highlight of this experience.
The fact that we actually went to the Olympics or the fact that we went to the Olympics with our three month old because India losing 2-1 against Korea surely wasn't!

P.S - Dot we had zero plans of taking you along. Had even booked a babysitter. Last minute change of plans and heart ensured your visit. Don't you love us!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Dear Dot

You have no idea how lucky you are. When you had an appointment for your first set of two vaccination shots at 2 months, the nurse decided against giving you the shots because you were not old enough by a few days. So you escaped then only to go back a week later.
We had scheduled your 3 months shots for this Thursday. We woke you up in the morning, readied you and just as we were about to leave we got a call from the Clinic saying the nurse wasn't going to be in and so once again you have escaped!
You are going back on the 14th though...Muhahahahaha (evil laugh)